
Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

Individual Therapy

Through 50-minute individual sessions, the process of therapy may take many forms depending on your goals and expectation. I utilize both supportive talk therapy and experiential methods. Whatever your goals are, the process begins by initially making a weekly commitment which allows for a greater understanding of your needs. Over time, we will review your progress and ways in which we can step down to every other week or monthly check-ins.  Below are brief summaries of the areas of focus that some of my clients have sought services for.

Psycho-social Training & Support for Organizations

As the demand for mental health services increases, group consultations offer a cost-effective way to reach a higher number of individuals within an organization.  In addition, group consultations offer members invaluable opportunities to learn from peers and form professional support systems, a crucial factor in maintaining well-being in the workplace. My experience includes supporting organizations and professionals in different parts of the world.

Areas of focus



May include chronic abuse and neglect, assault, motor vehicle accident, chronic poverty, intergenerational trauma, childhood medical procedures among other experiences. Trauma affects one’s capacity to cope, leading to biological and neurological changes in the nervous system.

Attachment Wounds

Develops when emotional needs were seldom or rarely met in childhood. Unmet emotional needs may include growing up in an invalidating environment, lack of attunement to one’s needs, or lacking comfort from caregivers. 

Work Stress & Burnout

Factors such as poor work-life balance, lack of control, unclear role expectations, or chaotic workspaces, can lead to low productivity, irritability, cynicism, calling out sick, or substance misuse. 



May present in many forms such as panic, social anxiety, or persistent worry making it difficult to function at work, or school or may interfere with relationships. Signs of anxiety include racing heart, tight chest, restlessness, tension, difficulties concentrating or impending sense of danger.


Loss & grief

Grief is a natural response to the loss of loved ones through death or changes in relationships with people, places, or events.  Reactions to grief may include feelings of guilt, sadness, anger, physical pain, shock & disbelief, or fear. 



Depression may be triggered by the loss of employment or significant relationships and may present as persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, guilt, loss of interest that once brought pleasure, low energy, poor concentration, and low self-esteem.

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